Enzher Bee

10 Frame Wood Bound Excluder – Reliable Queen and Brood Control

Key Features:

  • Prevents queen from laying brood in honey supers
  • Computer-controlled welding with precision wire spacing
  • Fully plated and highly durable construction
  • Fits 8-frame, 10-frame equipment, with customizable sizes available
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Main Features of the Product

The 10 Frame Wood Bound Excluder is designed to help prevent the risk of losing your queen or dealing with brood in the honey supers during extraction. When brood is present in the supers, it becomes nearly impossible to remove bees from the combs using a bee escape. This excluder ensures the queen and brood remain in the brood chamber, allowing for easier honey harvesting.

Our metal excluders feature precision wire spacing, computer-controlled welding, and are fully plated for durability. Each wire is securely crimped in the frame for years of reliable service.